Safe Choice Safety

Safety Programs Atlantic Canada

Babysitter Training

Babysitter Training is designed to provide students in grades 5-8 with the necessary skills and knowledge to care for infants, toddlers and pre-school children. The program emphasizes safety, dealing with emergencies, and first aid basics.

Learning Objectives

  • Become a Safe and Responsible Babysitter
    This includes learning to safely find work, set rates of pay, perform a pre and post job meeting, and to create a babysitter kit.
  • Caring for Kids
    This includes learning to change a diaper, feed a baby, toddler, or pre-school child; proper safe handling of a baby, comfort a colicky or teething child, and safely administer required medication if necessary.
  • Prepare Healthy Snacks and Meals
    This includes learning to set up a safe meal environment, and create healthy meals based on the Canadian Food Guide.
  • Constructive Games and Play Activities
    This includes learning to safely engage in age appropriate play activities that promote physical, social, and mental wellness.
  • Be Safe and Responsible
    This includes learning how to set up a safe home and play environments, safely respond to unexpected visitors, nuisance calls, and prowlers.
  • Managing Behaviors
    This includes learning to help kids better cope during a temper tantrum, power struggle, bedwetting, refusing to share toys, refusing to go to sleep, and shyness.
  • Identify Hazardous Products
    This includes learning the hazardous product symbols, and the proper handling and storage of hazardous products to help prevent injuries.
  • Respond to Emergencies
    This includes learning to prepare and respond during storms and high winds, power outages, home fire, gas leak, being locked out of the house, and when to dial 911.
  • Perform Basic First Aid
    This includes learning to perform first aid for unconsciousness, choking, asthma, severe allergic reactions, epilepsy, diabetes, wound care, and bone injuries.


  • Babysitting Training focuses on small group discussions, problem solving, role-playing, instructor-led demonstrations, and interactive activities.
  • Students require 100% attendance, and are required to complete a skills demonstration.


  • Students will receive a Babysitter Training manual and certificate upon successful completion of this program.
  • Students are required to bring a pencil, drink, and desired food to the program.


  • Babysitter Training requires six (6) hours of instruction. An Additional hour is required for full day programs to accommodate breaks.
  • Please inquire about our flexible scheduling options so that we are able to best accommodate your schedule.


  • Please contact our office for rate information.
  • By Phone: 1.800.467.5979
  • By Email: